Wednesday, July 25, 2012

No Time for Boredom

Today was another day filled to the brim. I thought retirement meant time to sit back, sip on a glass of iced tea and watch the butterflies float through the air. WRONG. There seems to be more projects to get done than time to do them. One of the problems is that before I can finish one thing another challenge arises. My temperament is to immediately fix a problem and I find myself out of breath trying to keep a dozen inflated balloons in the air at once (air not helium). Now, I am really a quiet natured person and watching a beautiful sunset is very enjoyable to me. I don't like to race cars, ride roller coasters, jump out of airplanes or anything to raise my blood pressure. Writing, singing, watercolor painting and reading have always been very calming to me. So tonight I am doing just that. I have painted a picture of rolling hills caressed by a blue sky, sang "Jesus is all the world to me" and now writing my thoughts of a day well spent and filled to the brim. Tomorrow I will attempt to complete a few more things on my list and hopefully not add anything new to the list. One thing for sure, I am not bored. I would love to go live where Victoria lives in the "House of Changing Tides." I am sure that is why I wrote the story. A chance to express myself and escape to the serenity of the sea.

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