Wednesday, July 25, 2012

No Time for Boredom

Today was another day filled to the brim. I thought retirement meant time to sit back, sip on a glass of iced tea and watch the butterflies float through the air. WRONG. There seems to be more projects to get done than time to do them. One of the problems is that before I can finish one thing another challenge arises. My temperament is to immediately fix a problem and I find myself out of breath trying to keep a dozen inflated balloons in the air at once (air not helium). Now, I am really a quiet natured person and watching a beautiful sunset is very enjoyable to me. I don't like to race cars, ride roller coasters, jump out of airplanes or anything to raise my blood pressure. Writing, singing, watercolor painting and reading have always been very calming to me. So tonight I am doing just that. I have painted a picture of rolling hills caressed by a blue sky, sang "Jesus is all the world to me" and now writing my thoughts of a day well spent and filled to the brim. Tomorrow I will attempt to complete a few more things on my list and hopefully not add anything new to the list. One thing for sure, I am not bored. I would love to go live where Victoria lives in the "House of Changing Tides." I am sure that is why I wrote the story. A chance to express myself and escape to the serenity of the sea.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Three Things in One

July 21st was a day jam packed with three (3) wonderful events. A Super Hero Birthday Party attended by approximately 40 people. At lest 25 were under the age of 8, dressed in their favorite super hero outfits. That was the most energized space I have ever been a part of. They were in jump houses, sliding down air slides playing air hockey and the crowning moment, pizza, salads, fruits, cake and the Birthday Boy setting on his throne opening his birthday presents. The next happening took place outside at a shaded park where family members were gathered for a reunion. We knew about eight (8) of the 50 in attendance, but met many cousins, aunts, uncles and their families. It was a time of renewing, remembering and fellowship. After a couple hours eating some of the most delicious food ever made we exchanged names and contact numbers. With our bellies filled to capacity we hurried off to our third event of the day. This event was the icing on the cake so to speak, my Momma's 91st Birthday. She is a sweet lady with eyes of blue that sparkle as she smiles and talks to you. We sat around the table, ate more pizza, birthday cake and talked about times gone by. Momma looks forward to the day she will see her savior Jesus and be reunited with the family members that have gone on. Yes July 21, 2012 was a "Three Things in One" day. Three beautiful events shared with a total of about 100 friends and family that will be another page in my book of memories. Each day adds another page to our personal book so look for the pure and lovely in your day and tuck it away to enjoy in days to come. In my book "House of Changing Tides" Victoria relives memories that bring her pain, love, joy and all the emotions tucked away in her mind. Her life holds many secrets. Get your copy at,, or ask at your favorite book store. Happiness is contagious so go out a spead a smile.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Today I needed to order new insurance cards because mine were so worn that the policy number was no longer readable. Well that sounds like an easy order to fill but it took 45 minutes on the phone. After being transferred three times, disconnected twice and given a total of five different phone numbers to call, I finally was told the card would be mailed. After today's circus I am not too hopeful that the card will arrive in my mail. I have to let go of the frustration because my blood pressure is about to blow. Guess I will sing a high C as loud and long as possible, not to be confused with a scream.

Self Realization

Yesterday was one of those days that the list grew as the time flew. It seems that the older I get the days get shorter and my list gets longer, but I make the list and todays list will be shorter. I am always trying to fit just one more thing into a schedule that is already bulging at the seams. Now really, life is not a race to see who can get the most things done so why am I am competing with myself. That is pretty scary. Another thing about me is taking it on myself to make things go easier for others. This is really controlling and is not appreciated. Well today I am going to sing everytime I feel the urge to "fix it" for another person. If you happen to see someone singing today maybe they are trying to let go of their urge to control everything and everyone around them. (or maybe they are just happy) So l am going to attempt to follow the example of Victoria in my latest book "House of Changing Tides" and let go and let God. Writing and reading this little book still helps me daily to deal with the negatives that creep around my head and try to crawl into my thinking. Realizing I am not in charge and to stop the controlling takes a lot of effort and is a moment by moment decision. Another words I need to stay out of the other person's boat and float my own boat. If I keep this controlling thing up, on the pretense of helping we both might sink. For those of you who have read "House of Changing Tides" I would love to hear if it brought any realizations into your way of thinking and living your life. This little book is an easy read and useful to send instead of a card to those special people in your life. Available at;;; or ask for it at your favorite book store. Breath deep, sing loud and be happy. This picture of my husband Ted and me was taken at our 50th class reunion. Ginger Lee Bull

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day Dreaming

Oh the beauty of the mind that can find a place of joy when all surroundings in the natural are chaotic. Remember how much fun it was to ride the carousel! Funny how there was always a special horse that looked a little more magical than the others. Climbing up into the saddle and holding on tight to the brass pole brought a special excitement of expectation of what was about to happen. The music, the lights and the galloping movement as the carousel went round and round. Everyone needs an escape now and then. When things seem to be getting too stressful a little day dreaming might help. Watching the movement of the plants and trees gently moved by the breeze or getting lost in the white fluffy clouds as they drift by can be quieting to the mind. Daydreaming is a "time out" and then back to the game of life. Breath deep and give thanks for the moment. Victoria lives in a daydream at the end of her life. She lives in a "happy place" that many of our elderly loved ones live in today. You can read her story in "House of Changing Tides" available at, or ask at your favorite book store. Books can also be ordered at or click on the contact author tab to order a signed book from author.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Good Morning Lord!

Woke up this morning around 4:00 and now I am watching the sun chase the darkness of night away. Outside my window I hear birds greeting the day with song. All is still in the house with the last moments of slumber. Soon long stretches and opening eyes will begin another summer day. Lord, thank you for the quietness of the morning, to know You are here and You are in control of all things. Nothing will come into my life without passing through Your hands first. You are my fortress, my strength, my protector, my creator and You love me. I thank you for sending Your dear son, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, from heaven to this earth over 2000 years ago to be a sacrafice for my sin. Thank you for seeing me as righteous through Jesus' shed blood. I know Jesus is sitting at your right hand Father and He makes intercession for me. Holy Spirit direct me in the way I should go today. I await that moment when Jesus will call me to Him and I will be with Him forever. Til that moment I will tell others of Your love for them and that you sent your only begotton son, Jesus to die on Calvary's Tree from sin to set us free. You provided the way and it is up to us to follow the path you gave. Thank you for your love letter to us, the Bible. Well Lord, I hear steps, so the day will soon begin. Go with me today and make my way sraight. Amen

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

From Happiness to Shame Victoria draws the drapes in her room and shuts out the reflective light of the sun as it dances across the ocean waves. No more colors of light bouncing through the crystal she has hanging in the window and no more smell of salty air that had always entered the open window. Why has she become so dark and alone? Her mind is stayed on her shame. Too many times we turn to the sad, victim thinking and become shameful instead of making the changes that give us the beautiful joyful life that is ours for the taking. In "House of Changing Tides" Victoria goes through the many changes that brings her into the joy and happiness of life. Go with her through her battle as she claims her victory. If you have read "House of Changing Tides" tell me your thoughts about the battle in the mind of Victoria and if you believe that is a constant battle most of us fight in one way or another. Available now at

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Looking Good in Purple

Today was one of those days with many loose ends. You know, when there are so many things to do and it is like trying to keep 4 or 5 inflated balloons in the air.
When I start feeling overwhelmed I usually decide to go on a cooking attack. Know what I mean? Go to the grocery store and buy every thing that you've read about in the lastest magazines then cook 4 main dishes at one time to make good use of the oven. Of course you need salads, and sides for the main dishes. Whew! The problem is when all the cooking and preparing is finished, where do you store everything? Stack it all in the inside and outside refridgerators. It's like a cooking frenzy.
I think I will just rest here and type awhile. I still have to clean the mess I've made from all the cooking I did. I can't quite understand this urgency to start cooking like I have an army to feed. In the back of my mind, I think if I cook enough food I won't have to cook again for a long time. It just dosn't work that way. So it's feast or famine around my house. I just don't want to cook three meals a day every day anymore. I know people that prepare three meals a day every day and at the same time of day. If I remember correctly, I think I did that at one time.
Oh well, things just aren't the way they used to be. I was given a book for my fiftith birthday about twenty years ago, "When I am Old I Shall Wear Purple". I think I am wearing purple from now on. Life is too short to worry about cooking, cleaning and I gave up ironing a long time ago. Writing and painting are so much more enjoyable to me. And I look good in purple.
Ok, I have to go clean the kitchen now. Hopefully I won't have a "cooking urge" for a few days. It tastes good but then it's gone. If I put that time into a picture or a book, I can look at it for years to come. Maybe I'll just cook on more thing. I love brownies..Yum...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Celebrate the Day

What a glorious day! There are car shows, bike rides and many celebrations taking place in all the surrounding towns today. The sun is shining bees are a'buzzin. It is a wonderful day for a picnic. You know what I mean, just put together a sandwich, apple, chips, cookies and jar of lemonaide and take off for the park by the river. Enjoy the day because it is a moment in time that is passing as we speak. (well I'm actually doing the speaking, if only by way of my typing) Anyway, think I'll go get my ice chest and take my own advice....Hope you have a good day, look for something to give thanks for and enjoy....

Monday, February 27, 2012

Blossoms are HERE

I see blossoms all over as I drive the roads of Fresno County. It looks like God dipped a big paint brush into the pink paint and sprinkled acres and acres with various tones of pink. I think I'll stop and to see a blossom up close.... What a beautiful design that only God could make. Yes, blossom time is here and Ginger Lady Bug is once again visiting the Blossom Trail. Maybe she will meet up with her friends Macy and Mallory, the twin honey bees. I can hear the bees are buzzing, going from blossom to blossom. Another beginning, filled with the most beautiful colors ever. This is a beautiful site!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Under the Weather

My face and upper teeth hurt, I cough a lot and my nose is stuffy. Now how exactly does that coinside with the pharse "under the weather"? I will have to do some research to find an answer. I remember my mother always told me to "gargle" with warm vinegar salt water..... Yuk! Thats like eating a warm sour pickle. Maybe if I put a warm wet wash cloth on my face the pain will let up. Even better I could mash up fresh garlic into the warm water before I put the wash cloth on my face. I think it is suppose to be a natural antibiotic...... Boy does that stink!! My face and upper teeth still hurt. You know my Mom use to tell me about making a mustard poltice for a cold......wonder if that was spicy mustard or plain... Wait a minute, the salt, vinegar, and garlic would have made a great salad dressing, but it didn't help my pain so tomorrow I am calling my doctor to get something for a sinus infection because being under the weather isn't fun.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Catch the Moment before it's Gone

Tonight I spent some special moments with my sweet Mama. She's 90 years old and still misses my Daddy who has been gone almost 6 years. She looks at his picture and tells me how much she misses him. They married when they were 19 and were a team that worked and played together. My Daddy loved to fish so Mama took up the sport and soon could out fish him. They were always competing. Mama cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Daddy's favorite breakfast was biscuits, gravy, eggs and sausage. Mama made everything from scratch and it was wonderful. When I was a little girl Mama and I would put a quilt on the lawn, look at the clouds and imagine what each cloud looked like. She taught me to use my imagination. We didn't have much money, but Mama could look at a dress and sew one for me that looked just like it. She and Daddy were hard workers, but they also took time to enjoy each other and their friends. My Mama is still very competive and loves to play table games and when she wins, which is most of the time, she looks up with those twinkling blue eyes and gives a big smile. So tonight as Mama and I talked, it reminded me to catch the moment before it is gone. I hope you tell those you love, in words and deeds, just how much they mean to you while time is on your side.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Monday Morning Bread

Oh what a beautiful morning. It feels like a beerock day to me. Cooking gluten free has been an adventure all it's own. Converting recipes is an art in itself. The challenge is to feel the texture of the dough as you add, rice flour, tapioca flour, potato starch, arrowroot powder and try to match it to the feel of wheat. Not easy and it doesn't match exactly. So then I just make sure it has the elasticity to cover my cabbage/meat stuffing. That's like my life as challenges come, I try to keep my attitude right as I deal with things and people that are not as they used to be, you know change. Victoria say's it best in my novel that will be released soon, ..have joy in each moment, before it slips away...Yes there is joy, and I am about to go into the kichen and claim joy as I make gluten free beerocks....Have a Happy

Saturday, February 18, 2012


 Last evening was like going down memory lane at the #Schoolhouse Restaurant and Tavern in Sanger.  It was built in 1921 and housed K-12.  The dinner was wonderful, service outstanding, music lively, and the comfort of home. It reminded me of days gone by.  Days Momma and I would lay on the grass and watch the fluffy white clouds drift by and we would imagine what form of animal they looked like.  Momma encouraged me to use my imagination and I dedicated my first children's book to her and her character is my best friend, Nellie Gnat, and Ginger Lady Bug carries her on her back because Nellie can't fly. Wonderful   

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Yes, today is called Valentine's Day and there are "hearts" everywhere.  As I think about the message of the "heart" to most, it means love, laughter, fun and being together. 
But for a moment I want to think about 'LOVE' the love of God, the living "Word" of God, Jesus Christ who gave His all for us.  What LOVE, a love that we can't really fathom because it is bigger than life as we know it and it is eternal which we don't understand and it is always forgiving.  It is through the blood that Jesus shed at Calvary that our Heavenly Father see's us who accept this gift of life as we follow Him.  When we accept this wonderful gift God see's us as righteousness, because He is looking at us through the blood of His only begotten Son.   LOVE!!!! 
May we remember to forgive just as we have been forgiven and love others as we love ourselves.  If we don't love ourselves, we will never be able to love others, so remember we are very special, because we were created in the image of God and were bought with a price, the blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus.
We Are Loved......
Happy Valentine's Day....every day..

Monday, February 13, 2012


As the shadows of evening spread across our town, the whistle of a slow moving freight train whails as it passes through in the night.  There is something very peaceful about the sounds of night.  The ticking of the clock becomes louder as there is no competing sounds to be heard.  I think that this is what night should be, no competition, a time to let down and relax.  The shadows around me are safe and non-intrusive, like a soft blanket inviting me into a peaceful sleep where my mind can rest.  I thank you Heavenly Father for this day you have given me and look forward to the reappearing of my savior Jesus Christ when joy and rest beyond all human understanding will be mine and all those that follow Him, forever and ever.  These things and lovely and pure.  Amen.


Woke up this morning to the sound of first I thought I was dreaming and had to focus on the sound to identify it in my brain.  When I decided it was in fact rain, I snuggled further under the covers and took another nap.  It has been misty most of the day and hopefully the mountains are getting some snow.  The seasons sort of merge together like water colors on wet paper.  I think I'll make some potato soup, sounds good for a rainy day.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Spring filled Friday

Today is one of those days that take you back to childhood.  The goods times when you just watched nature hum.  Plants are budding with new life and the sun has warmed the front porch to a perfect place to have lunch.  Surrounded by the sights and sounds of spring feels like the covering of a warm blanket on a cool afternoon.  I think a nap might be the icing on the cake to make this a perfect day.  Thank you Lord for this, another blessing I have been granted. 

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Writing a novel Going Through the Steps

Having an idea that begins with a picture in your mind, then to create that picture on paper with words can be a challenge yet rewarding.  Sometimes the story becomes a living being that just takes off as your fingers try to keep up with the thoughts that are flying through your mind.  That is how it has been with me so far.  When I begin writing, I may look up at the clock and 4 hours have passed and it only seems like minutes.  When I was writing and illustrating my children's books, the process was much different.  I had a story line and the message  which were all transferred onto paper with words and pictures.  As I created my watercolor stories it was a labor of joy.  I have now three published books that can be found at

I have taken a break from children's books and entered a new learning experience. Now as I am creating a novel, my ability to transmit my thoughts through painting has to be translated into colorful words of discription that draws the reader into my story.