Sunday, February 26, 2012

Under the Weather

My face and upper teeth hurt, I cough a lot and my nose is stuffy. Now how exactly does that coinside with the pharse "under the weather"? I will have to do some research to find an answer. I remember my mother always told me to "gargle" with warm vinegar salt water..... Yuk! Thats like eating a warm sour pickle. Maybe if I put a warm wet wash cloth on my face the pain will let up. Even better I could mash up fresh garlic into the warm water before I put the wash cloth on my face. I think it is suppose to be a natural antibiotic...... Boy does that stink!! My face and upper teeth still hurt. You know my Mom use to tell me about making a mustard poltice for a cold......wonder if that was spicy mustard or plain... Wait a minute, the salt, vinegar, and garlic would have made a great salad dressing, but it didn't help my pain so tomorrow I am calling my doctor to get something for a sinus infection because being under the weather isn't fun.

1 comment:

  1. Just Me,,,GLB 1827 it was thought that bad weather could make you sick so came the saying...feeling under the weather. The only thing,the weather here has been beautiful for the past week. Go figure.
